Just Breathe Wellbeing at Work

My Wellbeing at Work courses can help you and your colleagues be more productive, creative and fulfilled.

You will learn a combination of Mindfulness techniques, relaxation techniques and breathing exercises which will help you in all aspects of your life, not just your working life.

Mindfulness is more than a tool or an instrument, mindfulness is a way and path to become a happier and more fulfilled human being. Just the sort of person you want working with you and for you.

Successful and fulfilled people can manage their stress, remain objective, be responsive rather than reactive, show compassion to themselves and others as well as build trust with colleagues and stakeholders. Mindfulness training has been clinically proven to help build these resources, as well as building confidence and resilience.

Can you put a figure on how much your organisation loses through stress-related absenteeism, poor performance, turnover and accidents?

The UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE) estimates that self-reported work-related stress, depression or anxiety accounted for an estimated 11.4m lost working days in Britain in 2008/9.

Cutting edge companies who have already successfully offered mindfulness programmes include: Deutsche Bank, Procter & Gamble, Apple, Astra Zeneca, Google (who have their own mindfulness program) and Yahoo.

Who should attend a ‘Just Breathe wellbeing at work’ course?

  • Executives and managers who want greater creative focus and clarity
  • Individuals and groups who are experiencing high levels of stress
  • Those who need to communicate more effectively with their colleagues and customers
  • Managers who need effective techniques to reduce conflicts in their teams
  • Those who are involved in reorganisation and downsizing
  • Individuals who want to be more productive and less distracted
  • Anyone who wants to enjoy their work and life more.

What are the benefits of a ‘Just Breathe Wellbeing at Work’ course?

  • Greater wellbeing
  • Clearer thinking
  • More effective communication
  • More creativity and stronger leadership skills
  • Greater teamwork
  • Improved ability to address conflict
  • More awareness of personal stress and how to prevent it
  • Increased stability during periods of change
  • The ability to respond rather than react by breaking habitual patterns of behaviour
  • Fewer somatic illnesses

Mindfulness Works suggested courses but tailored offerings also available

1. Mindfulness coaching

One-to-one coaching in mindfulness techniques for greater calm and clarity at work. Increase your capacity to focus and get away from the myth of multitasking.

2. Taster Sessions

A tailor-made one-hour introduction to Mindfulness, for 1-30 people. Find out what mindfulness is and get a chance to ask questions and experience the practice at first hand. Contact me for more info and to book:

3. Half-day or full-day tailor-made

These enjoyable workshops enable attendees to gain a fuller insight into the practice of mindfulness, plus the opportunity to de-stress! Contact me for more info and to book: